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Dive into the FREE Womb Meditation 

Enter into the cosmic womb to heal your sacred feminine energy. Harness your divine creative sensual energy and celebrate being a woman. Reclaim all of who you are.


Put your name and email address in to get started.

By joining the list, you will receive useful tools to be empowered as a woman.

Hi I’m Margie

I'm a holistic health coach for women who want to heal thier hormones, embrace their feminine power and be a magnet for wealth.

I specialize in bringing the ancient wisdom of the goddesses, yoga, and ayurveda to the modern woman to live an empowered life.

With over 11 years of experience/trainings in holistic health, (and a competitive athlete for 18 years before that) I am very passionate about helping women become the healthiest, most fierce version of themselves. To take that energy and channel it into building a life and personal brand they are obsessed with.

Let the testimonials speak for themselves...

Good morning Margie🪷 

Wanted to send you a quick message telling you since I started slowing down and healing my adrenal glands and working within my doshas that I have been feeling SOOO much better!!! Even with this month's moon cycle I am ENJOYING my flow!!! Never!!! Ever!!! Did I believe I would be saying that!!! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge 

🥰 Much love and light being sent your way💕

-Lydia Walters

Margie, as I reflect on this past year, all of my growth as a woman, a leader, an entrepreneur, a mother, a wife and a provider; tremendous gratitude is outpouring from my heart to yours.
You initiated the awakening of my deeply malnourished divine feminine and through your practices I’ve learned to nourish Her and truly embody my Queen Spirit.
Not only have I revived my physical body, aligned my cycle with the moon, passed this wisdom on to my clients and patients but I’ve developed my intuitive gifts in mediumship, premonition and have learned how to deeply respect the FUCK NO energy when I feel it, establish healthy boundaries and honor my sovereignty.
Thank you Margie 🙏🏻

- Michelle Dellene


"Since we had our meeting a few months ago my cycle has continued to normalize and be easier and more FUN. Yes, FUN. I love my luteal phase because I understand my emotions so lashout less and enjoy food more!!! MOST importantly- FOOOOD!!! 😍 🔥👏❤️🙌"

- Julie


I have been in perimenopause and MISERABLE with symptoms for 2½ years and I recently saw u say "cramps and pms are not normal!" I took several of your tips to heart and to the pot...yup yoni steams for the win and some herbs u recommended and I feel better than I have felt since I've been a woman! no cramps, shorter cycles, no spotting and almost all my perimenopause symptoms have subsided. So TYSVM and I feel like I owe u one or a dozen somethings.

- Myra



Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher - 200 HR

Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider

Certified Holistic Health Coach

Certified Ayurvedic Nutritionist

Top Yoga Instructors by Google

Top Inspirational Women of BodyBuilding.com 

World-Renowned Aerial Yoga Goddess Brand

Work with me when you are ready to be the juiciest, happiest most magnetic baddie you know.